Trondheim district heating facility
Vagnhärad district heating plant
十大最好的网赌平台's district heating is environmentally friendly and based solely on renewable energy sources and efficient technology.
2012Entered into operation
9 MWInstalled capacity
A biofuel boiler for burning wood chips produces a base load for the district heating network. There is also a flue gas condenser installed which makes production even more efficient.
If it becomes necessary to stop the biofuel boiler or if the weather turns extremely cold, we have a reserve boiler that can use biofuel or other fuel.
The plant already has a low environmental impact, but we are still working to develop and improve the plant.
The district heating production in Vagnhärad supplies heating to over 100 customer facilities.
Percentage renewable: 100%
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十大最好的网赌平台 | 100% |